Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today was a Good Day...

Good Day Today!

Woke up to (What I thought was) a Beautiful Sun Shiny day!
For the 1st time in months I shaved my legs (Don't judge me!!!),
Slabbed on some Sunless tanning lotion,pulled out the capri pants, flip flops
and Short sleeve T (Even Polished my toe nails! =D ) in anticipation
of the "Spring like" Day and I must say,I was feeling pretty good about my "Springy"outfit ! =)

When I walked out the front door this morning and got to my car I realized I had left my keys on the kitchen counter...INSIDE my LOCKED home. Ugh! I POUND on the door,praying to GOD my husband,who was sleeping upstairs,would hear me.THANKFULLY after only a few minutes,my blurry eyed stud muffin,throws open the door ,standing there in just his undies and Snaps "WHAT THE HELL??!!" "Oops,Sorry Honey, My Bad! Go back to sleep!" He walks away grumbling... =/

My Sister in law Lindsey and I decide to go to our new favorite "Hole in wall" Diner up the street (Aren't those usually the best?!)for Breakfast where I order the #3 meal :2 eggs,2 bacon and 2 pancakes. (Jealous?! =P )
Well HOLY CRAP I was SHOCKED when my food arrived and the 2 pancakes were (EACH)THE SIZE OF A FREAKIN' DINNER PLATE and as Thick as my back rolls! (Eeewww!)
I scarfed down as much as a dainty bird, such as myself ,could and I called it quits!
I then proceeded to pay the bill and leave a note in the 'Comment box' that read: "In the future please have Shawn,the hottie Waiter,wait all tables Shirtless!Thanks,K.V."

10am rolls around and its time to work off those ginormous pancakes by taking a little walky poo around west Seattle...Lindsey and I hit a few bookstores in attempt to sell some of her old books in exchange for a few bucks for our afternoon coffee fix! 3 bookstores hit,20 books sold,poor Lindsey only got $12! PATHETIC but ENOUGH!! We grabbed a couple Frappes and headed back to my place to figure out our next move.

By this time I was FREEZING and I was SERIOUSLY REGRETTING my "Springy" outfit!! My poor little toes were getting Numb and I was forced to pull a ratty old hoodie out of my trunk of my car! BOOOOO! =(

After being home for just a few minutes my phone began ringing like crazy,1st Crystal asked if she could swing by & introduce me to her Co-worker & friend Christy (Who I not only met but I ended up REALLY REALLY liking her!!~HI CHRISTY!Call me sometime Girlfriend!!~) A few Minutes Later My friend Autumn asked if she and her ridiculously GORGEOUS Daughter Isabella could stop by for a visit as well."HELL YEAH!!"I Love,Luv,LOVE those girls and don't get to see them enough!

With 15 minutes my home was full of chatter,laughter and full on fun! Everyone oooo'ing and aaaah'ing over Isabella OF COURSE! 9 months old that kid is FULL of spunk and personality!
She crawled over every inch of my down stairs,she danced,she "sang",she is THE BEST!
My home was full of friends and fun and I was sad when everyone had to leave! BOOOOOO!

After fixing and eating dinner with the Family ,and finally seeing my husband off to work it was time for a little "Me time",Time to dye those gray roots and hop in a nice HOT shower!! At last feeling MY age (Or younger)and not "50 something" (DAMN THOSE GRAY HAIRS!) my day is done! My BLOG is WRITTEN (GOOO ME!!) and my kid is in bed ..I'll attempt to get a couple hours of reading in and hit the sack!

Nighty Night All! Sleep tight!!
; *

1 comment:

  1. You looked really cute! Now I know why you were dressed like that..OMG Autumn looks really good and Isabella is wicked cute! See you L8R today!
