Monday, March 15, 2010

Lazy Daze..

With the economy in the state that it's in today,I recently found myself Unemployed....
(OK,I lost my job 6 yrs ago & I've been sponging off my husband ever since BUT) I have frantically been searching for a job lately and Surprise, Surprise, No one is hiring!

I've decided instead to channel all of my time and energy into reading,catching up on my Favorite Soap operas and discovering new,fascinating shows like "Dancing with the Bachlorette" and "Make me a Seattle Housewife" (I should SO be on that Show!) OH! My daughter (who happens to be reading over my shoulder) just reminded me that I also spend a lot time with my Family!I LOVE my family! THEY TOTALLY ROCK! ;)

I'm starting my own Blog basically to entertain myself and hopefully anyone who may swing by and read my little ...while I have NO CLUE Exactly what I'll be writing about...whether it be Random thoughts,everyday living,stories from my life as a mom,wife,sister,friend,etc.,WHO KNOWS!? Whatever pops into my head I guess eh?
That's it for now,My Daughter's on her way home from school & I promised to take her to Page2 bookstore for a few new books...Later Gators! =D


  1. Hey love have thought about about working from home? Check out Bethany Marie she is one of my friends on facebook and her website is and she finds REAL jobs that you can work from home and she rocks! check it out!
