Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creepiness at the park.....

So I took Molly & her friend to the park near my home when an

over weight,frumpy woman walks up to us with her sweet little pooper (Puppy)

(named Schnitzel!) and strikes up a conversation.

The conversation went something like (Actually,EXACTLY like) this:

(Me) "Oh what an adorable dog!"

(Her)"Thanks,Shes a great companion"

(Me)"I bet!and she's SO friendly!"

(Her) "Yeah,I get really lonely sometimes,so she's been great"

(Me thinking "Wow..Sadness....") =(

(Her) Do you live around here?"

(Me) "uh huh,right over there"

(Her) "I don't have a home,I'm staying with relatives"

(Me thinking"Wow.....REALLY sad...") =/

(Her) "Do you like to go for walks? I like to take Schnitzel to the beach for walks,maybe you could join us sometime"

(Me thinking"Wow...she's desperate for a friend...this.is.sad.)

(Me) "Sure,I like to walk & I LOVE the beach!"

(Her)"GREAT! Whats your phone #?"

(Me thinking "OH SHIT!") "Its 206-blah-blah blah"

(Her) "GREAT! I'll call you!"

(Me thinking.."OK Kathi...don't be a bitch..just go on a

walk with the poor old lady...She NEEDS a friend..Its not gonna kill you!")

(Me..Patting myself on the back for being such an AWESOME Person!!)

We say our goodbyes and The Lady and her pooper,Schnitzel

walk off into the sunset...

A few Minutes later,I look up and am startled to see her

standing there just a few feet away from me .

(Her) "Hey,could you do me a favor?"

(Me) "Umm..Maybe..?"

(Her) "There's this guy I dated,I was wondering if you could go with me to his place?"

(Me) "Umm...HUH?!"

(Her) "well,I think he lied to me and I think I left some of my stuff there"

(Me) "I'm sorry,I don't understand..?"

(Her) "Could you drive me to his place? Its right up the road"

(Me) "Umm..I don't feel comfortable doing that"

(Her) "Well you could just sit in the car.you don't have to come in.He told me he moved,but I think he lied,so I want to see if he's still there,I'm pretty sure he lied,and i think i left some stuff there,i want to go see."

(Me) "Ummm...I don't feel comfortable doing that"

(Her) "You don't have to come in,actually if you COULD come in,that would be GREAT"

(Me) "Ummm...NO."

(HER) "Why Not?"

(Me) "Really? Ummm...I don't know HIM..annnnnndd..I don't know YOU either.Soooooo,I really can't'."

(Her) "But its right up the road"

(Me) "No...I can't"

At this point,without a word,crazy lady and Schnitzel simply stand up and walk away.(THANK GOD!)

***I can not shake this creepy feeling that I was to be her next victim in some sinister plan...

She,some psycho dude in an unknown location "right up the road" and Schnitzer were planning to Abduct me...sexually assault me...and kill me!***

I almost died people!! I ALMOST DIED!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You sound like me. I always wonder how my forensic file is going to start. Creepy
